Eligibility Criteria
Members of IDAXA shall be from any of the below categories, and actively operating in the distributed ledger technology (DLT) and/or digital/virutal asset space. Activities could include:
1. Trade Association: Representing and advising on commercial and policy matters which promote or impact on development and utilisation of DLT.
2. Business or Exchange: Involved in the development and application of DLT and/or operation of a digital currency exchange;
3. Advisory: Undertaking research or promoting DLT-centric business models; and,
Categories 2 & 3 above may be classified as either one of the following:
(a) Corporate < 20 employees
(b) Corporate > 20 employees
4. Individual: An individual who is involved in the development and application of DLT, may in her/his personal capacity join as a Member on the basis that s/he would contribute in a private capacity towards consideration issues relevant to the DLT industry. However, they cannot be an employee of an existing Trade Association or Corporate Member.